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Student Computing Research Symposium

Student Computing Research Symposium is an annual research conference jointly organized by University of Ljubljana, University of Maribor and University of Primorska. Its goal is to encourage students to present and publish their research work in the domain of computer science and to facilitate cooperation and creativity.

Invited Talks by Top Students Papers by B.Sc. and M.Sc. Students Awards for Best Contributions Sponsors and Partners from Industry Counts towards Zois Scholarship Attendance Free of Charge
  • Date & Time 30th September 2025, 10:00-
  • Speakers15-20 Students
  • Seats50 People

Important dates


1 Jul

Submission Deadline


1 Aug

Author Notification


20 Sep

Camera-Ready Paper


30 Sep

Conference Starts


We invite both B.Sc. and M.Sc. students to submit research papers from all fields of computer science. The length of the paper is limited to 4 pages. M.Sc. students must write their papers in English, while B.Sc. students may choose either English or Slovene. If your paper passes the acceptance threshold, it will be designated either for oral presentation or for poster presentation.

Having a paper presented at a conference and published in the conference proceedings is a reward in itself. Nevertheless, the authors of best papers, posters and/or presentations will receive additional awards contributed by the organizers and our industry partners.


The conference program will be announced in due time.

Organizers and sponsors

For sponsorship opportunities, contact us at

Program committee

The program committee will be announced shortly.

Location & Contact

The conference will take place at the Faculty of Computer and Information Science of University of Ljubljana, Večna pot 113, Ljubljana, Slovenia. The event will be held in the lecture room 18-19 (see the image below).

  • Večna pot 113, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • +386 1 479 8100